Solid State Lighting Market: A Solid state Lighting has gradually broadened the horizons of human civilization

Solid State Lighting market was valued at USD 48.38 Bn in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 117.5 Bn by 2030, at a CAGR of 13.51 % during the forecast period.

Solid State Lighting Definition and Introduction:

Solid state lighting (SSL) is a type of lighting that uses semiconductor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as sources of illumination rather than electrical filaments. Solid state lighting (SSL) is the direct conversion of electricity to visible white light using semiconductor materials. The term Solid state refers commonly to light emitted by Solid state electroluminescence. It creates visible light with reduced heat generation with energy dissipation. Most common "white" LEDs create an (approximate) white light spectrum by converting blue light from a solid state device using photoluminescence. Solid State Lighting MarketTo know about the Research Methodology :- Request Free Sample Report

Solid State Lighting Market Overview

Solid-state lighting relies on the conversion of electricity to visible white light using solid materials. It has enormous potential. Solid-state devices have recently achieved electrical-to-optical power conversion efficiencies of 76% at infrared wavelengths. The electricity used for lighting would be cut by 62%, and total electrical energy consumption would decrease by roughly 13% with the usage of Solid state lighting technology. The savings in energy production by Solid-state lighting (SSL) are expected to have an important impact on the environment. Currently, the U.S. emits approximately 106 tons of carbon to the atmosphere for every 6 TWh of electrical energy consumed. If the nation continues to produce its electricity with roughly the same mix of technologies, the energy saved in 2025 through SSL would reduce carbon-equivalent emissions by about 100 Megatons per year. The solid state lighting market has evolved because of its numerous benefits over conventional lighting methods and advancements in semiconductor technology like the development of the efficient LED materials. Energy efficiency longer lifespan and controllable color and intensity are some of the features, that are expected to drive the demand for the Solid-state lighting market. Solid state lighting market has transformed the lighting industry by providing energy savings reduced maintenance costs and better-quality color rendering for various applications. As the Solid state lighting industry advances, different product configurations like LED light engines are expected to prompt a return to relative photometry in certain situations. The advancement in LED lighting is expected led to a revaluation of photometric testing procedures and increase awareness about the source of performance data. Solid state lighting market translates to cost savings on electricity bills for consumers and businesses and also contributes to a greener planet. As Solid state lighting technology continues to evolve and become even more affordable. Solid state lighting (SSL), particularly LED technology, is a game-changer for greener buildings and a more sustainable future. The energy-saving nature of LEDs makes them a key component of high-performance buildings, which consume less energy and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. OLED technology is less mature than LED technology, and innovations are needed on multiple fronts to increase efficiency. Manufacturing infrastructure investments are expected to be essential to transitioning OLED products from the prototype stage to commercial viability. Price is one of the biggest hurdles to the widespread adoption for both LED and OLED solid state lighting technology. Material Overview for Solid state Lighting Solid state lighting materials fall into three broad categories like inorganic materials, organic materials and hybrid materials. Inorganic Materials are the most common materials used in SSL, particularly LEDs. They offer high efficiency, stability, and a wide range of colors achievable through various dopants. Organic semiconductors are carbon-based solids that may be discrete molecules. The properties of organic semiconductors are very different from those of inorganic semiconductors. Charge carrier mobilities are orders of magnitude lower and are strongly voltage and temperature-dependent. Hybrid combinations of inorganic and organic materials are also playing a role in Solid state lighting. For instance, inorganic semiconductors have excellent carrier transport properties and organic semiconductors have excellent light-emission properties. Solid state lighting market usages any of the materials (inorganic, organic, or hybrid) for unprecedented efficiencies. Solid state lighting Market still faces enormous technical challenges that are likely to be surmounted only with dramatic increases in scientific understanding. Solid state Lighting (SSL) relies on various advanced materials to achieve efficient and durable illumination. Continuous research in Solid-state lighting market key materials is driven by the expedition for improved efficiency, lifespan, and environmental impact. Advancements in quantum dots promise purer colors and higher efficiencies, while perovskite materials are expected to offer the potential for sustainable Solid-state lighting solutions. For instance, researchers are exploring the usage of lead-free perovskites to create environmentally friendly LEDs. The choice of materials plays a critical role in next-generation Solid state lighting technologies.

Solid State Lighting Market Dynamics

The Demand for Eco-Friendly Lighting Technology Is Expected to Boost the Adoption of the solid state Lighting. The solid state lighting (SSL) technology has emerged as a transformative force in the lighting industry. It uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs), organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), or polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs) as sources of illumination. It produces light through the movement of electrons in semiconductors to make efficient and long-lasting lighting solutions. One of the key benefits of solid state lighting market is its exceptional energy efficiency. It is consuming significantly less energy compared to conventional lighting technologies with LED lights. It helps to reduce electricity bills for consumers and also contributes to environmental sustainability by lowering carbon emissions. It helps to reduce dependency on demand for fossil fuels. It offers superior durability and longevity. It also provides greater flexibility and versatility in lighting design, which permits them the formation of innovative lighting solutions that are tailored to specific applications and environments. It enables dynamic lighting schemes that help to enhance ambiance, productivity, and comfort in many end-user industries like residential, commercial, and outdoor spaces. The solid state lighting technology is driving advancements in smart lighting systems and enabling remote control, automation, and integration with other smart devices through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. It offers extra benefits like improved energy management, personalized lighting experiences, and enhanced security and safety, which drive the solid state lighting market demand globally. An increase in awareness about energy-efficient LED lights among consumers, and high demand growth for solid state lighting market in applications such as automotive, industrial, commercial, medical, and outdoor lighting are some of the prominent driving factors behind the solid state lighting market growth. The features like good quality output, flexible light fixtures and the presence of the combined weatherproof design with intrinsic safety are expected to boost the production of solid state lighting. As solid state lighting technology continues to evolve and mature, it is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of lighting and offering visually captivating illumination solutions for homes, and businesses. According to the MMR, it is estimated that by 2030, solid state lighting can reduce the global amount of electricity used for lighting by 50%. Solid state lighting is the most disruptive technology to hit the lighting industry. The reduced energy use from solid state lighting leads to a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that contributes to combating climate change and creating a cleaner environment. Lower energy use translates to cost savings for consumers and businesses worldwide, which is expected to have a positive ripple effect on the global economy. Most of the electricity comes from burning fossil fuels hence the reduction in energy consumption results in reduced carbon emissions at the level of hundreds of millions tons. The solid-state lighting market represents a new lighting paradigm that will create a new lighting industry of over $ 50 Billion/year worldwide. Solid-state lighting is projected to be a game-changer for global energy usage. By 2030, it is estimated that it will help to cut the world's lighting electricity consumption in half, which translates to major environmental and economic benefits by reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering energy bills. High emphasis on energy efficiency across many industries is one of a key drivers for the solid state lighting market. Traditional lighting technologies consume more power over solid-state lighting solutions. Many businesses are increasingly adopting solid-state lighting to reduce their electricity bills and carbon footprint with rising energy costs and focus on sustainability. It helps to achieve energy savings of over 75% compared to incandescent bulbs and also lasts over 20 times longer than traditional lighting, which reduces lifetime lighting costs in the business. The solid state lighting market is expected to grow steadily during the forecast period because of implementation policies and regulations mandating the use of energy-efficient lighting and demand for energy-efficient lighting. Energy-efficient solid-state lighting has been a smart strategy for reducing lighting energy use in the nation’s carbon footprint as it saves money for homeowners and businesses and delivers superior promise of performance while reducing consumption of fossil fuels. Adoption of Smart Lighting Technologies are expected to boost the demand for solid state lighting. An increase in the adoption of smart lighting technologies is expected to drive the demand for smart lighting. In the smart lighting solution, solid state lighting enables dimming, scheduling, and remote monitoring capabilities with integrated sensors and controls. It provides flexibility to adjust light levels based on occupancy, which makes them more energy proportional. It also gathers property usage data, which helps to optimize operations and maintenance. The solid state lighting technology can customize and automate lighting according to application needs through smart controls and connectivity, which is resulting in its high demand across various industries including retail, hospitality, and corporate offices LEDs are inherently compatible with smart lighting systems. Their ability to be dimmed, controlled electronically, and change color makes them ideal for features like occupancy sensors, automated lighting schedules, and color tuning. The convergence of SSL and smart lighting represents the future of lighting. It offers a more sustainable, intelligent, and user-friendly lighting experience for homes, businesses, and cities Solid-state lighting Market has experienced significant growth in 2023. The major Key factors that influenced the market are energy savings, reduction of environmental pollution, and new functionalities. The solid-state sources have the potential to create light with unit power efficiency resulting in solid state lighting market growth. Additionally, the properties of light emitted by solid-state sources, such as spectral composition, polarization, color temperature, temporal modulation, and far-field emission pattern are expected to increase the demand and usages for solid state lighting. Challenges and Barriers in the Global Solid-State Lighting Market Cost and Affordability- One of the significant challenges facing the solid state lighting market. Cost and affordability are indeed significant challenges facing the solid-state lighting (SSL) market, particularly when it comes to wider adoption. The high initial cost of LED bulbs or fixtures over traditional incandescent options is expected to be a barrier for budget-conscious consumers. Higher upfront costs are expected to limit the transition from traditional lighting to solid-state lighting adoption. Key players operating in the solid state lighting market and suppliers are expected to have focus on research and development to reduce production costs, enhance manufacturing processes, and improve economies of scale. The competition and technological advancements are expected to drive down prices and make solid-state lighting more accessible for customers during the forecast period. A cost remains a challenge, there's optimism for the future of solid state lighting affordability. Low LED prices, government incentives, and increased consumer education, the low-cost barrier are some of the factors, which are expected to pave the way for wider adoption of solid-state lighting and its associated environmental and economic benefits. Technological Limitations and Compatibility is also facing challenges for key players operating in the solid state lighting market. The technological limitations and compatibility challenges are another hurdle for solid-state lighting (SSL) market players. Despite a solid state lighting is rapidly evolving, there are still some applications where traditional lighting options are well outperforming in some applications. For instance, high-powered LED bulbs for industrial settings are not a proper match solution for light output or color spectrum of high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps. Traditional incandescent bulbs emit a broad spectrum of light, which can be important for accurate color rendering in applications like retail displays or museums. While LED color rendering is improving, it can still be a challenge in some applications. LEDs require special drivers to regulate their current and voltage. Compatibility issues between drivers and LED fixtures are expected to lead to flickering, reduced lifespan, or malfunctioning lights. Technological limitations and compatibility challenges are expected to restrict the applications and sectors where solid state light is readily adopted. Manufacturers need to invest in research and development to address these limitations. They need to create LEDs with improved performance, broader application suitability, and better compatibility with existing infrastructure. An Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a trend, which is shaping the solid state lighting market. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a major trend shaping the future of the solid-state lighting (SSL) market. Solid-state lighting, particularly LEDs, is perfectly suited for smart lighting systems because of their inherent controllability. By integrating IoT sensors and connectivity, lighting becomes intelligent and interactive. The integration of AI and IoT with SSL is creating a new era of intelligent lighting. It paves the way for a future where lighting about illumination and production of intelligent, dynamic, and user-centric environments. IoT-enabled lighting systems are expected to drive power sensors, connectivity, and data analytics to enable intelligent lighting control and management. The trend is growing in smart cities, where connected lighting infrastructure is helps to contribute to energy savings, better-quality safety, and improved urban planning. The demand for smart lighting, the focus on human-centric lighting, and the integration of IoT and AI technologies are some of the innovations, which are transforming the way lighting. Solid state lighting market is expected to experience significant growth and offer new opportunities for energy-efficient, customizable, and intelligent lighting solutions across various industries.

Solid State Lighting Market Segment Analysis

Based on the type, Solid state lighting market is segmented into LED, OLED and PLED. the LED segment holds a significant share of 80% with a growing CAGR of 8.23%. LED technology is mature and well-developed compared to OLED and PLED. LEDs are generally cheaper to manufacture than OLEDs and PLEDs. It comes in a wider variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them suitable for diverse applications. LEDs have a long track record of reliability, energy efficiency, and long lifespan. Despite, OLEDs and PLEDs offer advantages like better color rendering and potentially lower power consumption. They are still in earlier stages of development, which makes them more expensive and limits their widespread adoption in general lighting applications. LEDs offer a compelling value proposition for most solid state lighting applications and lower energy consumption compared to traditional bulbs translates to significant cost savings on electricity bills, both for consumers and businesses. LEDs last many times longer than incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, reducing the frequency of replacements and associated costs. It come in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes, making them adaptable to various lighting needs. LEDs offer a wide range of brightness levels, enabling adjustments for different applications and easily dimmed or controlled with smart technology, creating dynamic lighting effects and further enhancing their usefulness. Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) is expected to grow at a more than 20% rate of CAGR during the forecast period. It offer unique benefits like thin, flexible form factors, high contrast ratios, wide viewing angles, which are a ideal solution for displays, signage, and architectural lighting. High manufacturing costs, limited lifespan, and encapsulation needs are expected to limit its adoption in general lighting. Polymer Light Emitting Diodes (PLED) segment offer lightweight, flexible, and potentially cost-effective solution because of its widespread adoption in printing techniques. Based on the application, Solid state lighting market is segmented into Indoor Lighting, Outdoor Lighting and Specialty Lighting. Indoor Lighting segment held the dominant position in 2023 and it is projected to continue its dominance during the forecast period. Indoor Lighting holds a strong position because of vast potential for replacing traditional bulbs in homes, offices, and commercial spaces. Government regulations phasing out incandescent bulbs and increasing consumer awareness of energy efficiency further are expected to drive the demand for solid state across indoor application. The Solid-state lighting has transformed the lighting industry with the efficiency and longevity by offering numerous benefits over traditional lighting technologies. Outdoor application segment is experiencing significant growth because of the high demand for energy-saving solutions for streetlights, parking lots, and building exteriors. It includes application area like The streetlights, traffic signals and architectural lighting. The Many cities are replacing traditional streetlights with LED fixtures for the energy savings and better visibility. additionally, advancements in LED technology allowing for better weather resistance and durability are propelling growth. Specialty Lighting includes areas like automotive lighting, grow lights for horticulture, and medical lighting. Technological advancements are enabling LEDs to cater to specific needs in these specialized applications. Solid State Lighting Market By Industry vertical, Solid state lighting market is segmented into residential, industrial and commercial, medical and transportation. An industrial and commercial segment is expected to grow at a high rate of CAGR during the forecast period. Factories, warehouses, offices, and retail spaces require extensive lighting, making them prime targets for energy-saving LED solutions. Businesses are constantly looking to reduce operational costs, and energy-efficient LED lighting offers significant savings on electricity bills. Regulations promoting energy efficiency in commercial buildings further drive LED adoption in this segment. Residential segment holds immense potential because of number of homes and the ongoing shift from traditional bulbs. Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of energy efficiency and the benefits of LEDs. The availability of LED bulbs in various styles and dimming options makes them more attractive for home use. The global solid state lighting market is expected to experience high demand growth across all industry verticals. Rapid urbanization, rising energy costs, and growing awareness of energy efficiency are some of the factors, which are expected to drive the adoption of a solid state lighting.

Solid State Lighting Market Regional Insight

Asia Pacific region held the dominant position in 2023 and is projected to continue its dominance during the forecast period. Many APAC countries are experiencing significant economic growth, leading to increased investments in infrastructure development, urbanization, and construction that translates to a growing demand for energy-efficient lighting solutions. Several APAC governments are implementing policies and regulations promoting energy efficiency. It includes subsidies for LED adoption and phasing out incandescent bulbs, further accelerating market growth. The APAC region is a major manufacturing hub for LED components and lighting fixtures. High production allows for cost-effective solutions and faster market adoption. The rapid urbanization in APAC creates a vast demand for lighting in residential, commercial, and industrial sectors are expected to drive a need for energy-saving LED solutions. An economic powerhouse country like China, Japan, and South Korea has widespread adoption of a cutting-edge technology and robust manufacturing capabilities. Developing economies are heavily invested in R&D, fueling the production of high-quality solid state lighting solutions. presence of High population and rapid urbanization drive the demand for energy-efficient lighting across residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Additionally, the growing focus on smart city projects, where solid state lighting plays a key role, provides another growth avenue for the APAC market. Solid state lighting Demand in India Solid state lighting, particularly LEDs, are a cornerstone technology for smart city initiatives in India. A major focus is on replacing conventional streetlights with energy-saving LED fixtures. Cities like Lucknow, Surat, and Ahmedabad have undertaken large-scale LED streetlight conversions. Cities like Bhopal and Pune are implementing smart lighting systems that allow for remote control, dimming capabilities, and real-time monitoring that improves energy efficiency and enables adaptive lighting based on factors like traffic flow or time of day. Parks, squares, and public spaces are being illuminated with LED fixtures that provide better visibility, enhance safety, and contribute to a more aesthetically pleasing urban environment. LED traffic signals integrated with smart controllers can optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and improve safety. Cities like Bengaluru and Chennai are piloting such projects. The Government of India's continued push for smart city development promises a significant rise in LED demand. Energy efficiency will remain a top priority, driving LED adoption in new projects. An ongoing and upcoming smart city projects will significantly increase the demand for solid state lighting in India, paving the way for a more sustainable and technologically advanced urban future. Solid State Lighting Market Solid state lighting Competitive Landscape: The MMR Global solid state lighting Market report covers the detailed analysis of key players operating in the market with the information like headquarters, locations, employee strength, revenue, company overview, established year and product specification details. It also covers the information about SWOT analysis, business strategy and recent product innovations and development by each key player. The solid state lighting market is a dynamic space with a mix of established players and emerging companies. Companies like Philips, Osram, Siemens, and Samsung are major players, leveraging their brand recognition, global reach, and extensive product portfolios. Chinese and South Korean companies like LG, Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn), and MLS Co., Ltd. are major forces because of their cost-effective manufacturing capabilities and focus on innovation. Companies compete on advancements in LED chip technology, light output, color rendering, and efficiency and offering a diverse range of led fixtures, bulbs, and lighting systems catering to various applications is crucial. In 2023, Nichia Corporation acquired Seoul semiconductors LED business unit for $ 3 Billion, creating a massive player in the LED chip market. AMS OSRAM has merged with Ever light Electronics to strength its position in the mid-power LED segment. Acuity Brands has acquired Peerless Lighting, expanding its commercial and industrial lighting portfolio.

Solid State Lighting Market Scope: Inquire before buying

Global Solid State Lighting Market
Report Coverage Details
Base Year: 2023 Forecast Period: 2024-2030
Historical Data: 2018 to 2023 Market Size in 2023: US $ 48.38 Bn.
Forecast Period 2024 to 2030 CAGR: 13.51% Market Size in 2030: US $ 117.5 Bn.
Segments Covered: by Type LED OLED PLED
by Installation Type New Installation Retrofit
by Application Passenger Feedstock Light Commercial Feedstock
by Industry Vertical Indoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Specialty Lighting
by End User Residential Industrial and Commercial Medical Transportation

Solid State Lighting Market, by Region

North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Russia and Rest of Europe) Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, ASEAN and Rest of APAC) Middle East and Africa (South Africa, GCC, Egypt, Nigeria and Rest of ME&A) South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia and Rest of South America)

Leading Solid State Lighting Key Players include:

1. Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. - United States 2. Cree, Inc. - United States 3. General Electric - United States 4. Energy Focus, Inc. - United States 5. Intematix corporation- United States 6. Bridgelux Inc. - United States 7. Royal Philips Electronics N.V.(Netherland) 8. Eaton Corporation PLC - Ireland 9. Osram Licht AG - Germany 10. Aixtron AG – Germany 11. Panasonic Corporation (Japan) 12. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - South Korea 13. Nichia Group - Japan 14. Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation - Japan 15. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - Japan Frequently asked Questions: 1. What is Solid State Lighting? Ans: Solid state lighting (SSL) is a type of lighting technology that uses semiconductors to generate light, as opposed to traditional methods like incandescent filaments or gas plasmas. 2. How are technological advancements driving innovation in Solid state Lighting? Ans: LED Chip Technology, Light Control and Delivery, and Smart Lighting Integration are some of the innovations that drive a technological advancement in Solid state lighting. 3. Why is the New Installation segment dominating the Solid state Lighting market? Ans: New buildings are increasingly constructed with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency. LED lighting is a crucial element in achieving these goals, leading to a high adoption rate in new installations. 4. What is the projected growth rate for Solid state Lighting Market during the forecast period? Ans: The Joint Compound Market growth is expected to grow at a 13.51% rate of CAGR during the forecast period.
1. Solid State Lighting Market Introduction 1.1. Study Assumption and Market Definition 1.2. Scope of the Study 1.3. Executive Summary 2. Solid State Lighting Market: Dynamics 2.1. Solid State Lighting Market Trends by Region 2.1.1. North America Solid State Lighting Market Trends 2.1.2. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Trends 2.1.3. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Trends 2.1.4. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Trends 2.1.5. South America Solid State Lighting Market Trends 2.2. Solid State Lighting Market Dynamics by Region 2.2.1. North America North America Solid State Lighting Market Drivers North America Solid State Lighting Market Restraints North America Solid State Lighting Market Opportunities North America Solid State Lighting Market Challenges 2.2.2. Europe Europe Solid State Lighting Market Drivers Europe Solid State Lighting Market Restraints Europe Solid State Lighting Market Opportunities Europe Solid State Lighting Market Challenges 2.2.3. Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Drivers Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Restraints Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Opportunities Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Challenges 2.2.4. Middle East and Africa Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Drivers Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Restraints Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Opportunities Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Challenges 2.2.5. South America South America Solid State Lighting Market Drivers South America Solid State Lighting Market Restraints South America Solid State Lighting Market Opportunities South America Solid State Lighting Market Challenges 2.3. PORTER’s Five Forces Analysis 2.4. PESTLE Analysis 2.5. Technology Roadmap 2.6. Regulatory Landscape by Region 2.6.1. North America 2.6.2. Europe 2.6.3. Asia Pacific 2.6.4. Middle East and Africa 2.6.5. South America 2.7. Key Opinion Leader Analysis For Solid State Lighting Industry 2.8. Analysis of Government Schemes and Initiatives For Solid State Lighting Industry 2.9. Solid State Lighting Market Trade Analysis 2.10. The Global Pandemic Impact on Solid State Lighting Market 3. Solid State Lighting Market: Global Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation by Demand and Supply Side (by Value in USD Million) 2023-2030 3.1. Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) 3.1.1. LED 3.1.2. OLED 3.1.3. PLED 3.1.4. 3.2. Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) 3.2.1. New Installation 3.2.2. Retrofit 3.3. Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) 3.3.1. Passenger Feedstock 3.3.2. Light Commercial Feedstock 3.4. Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) 3.4.1. Indoor Lighting 3.4.2. Outdoor Lighting 3.4.3. Specialty Lighting 3.5. Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 3.5.1. Residential 3.5.2. Industrial and Commercial 3.5.3. Medical 3.5.4. Transportation 3.6. Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Region (2023-2030) 3.6.1. North America 3.6.2. Europe 3.6.3. Asia Pacific 3.6.4. Middle East and Africa 3.6.5. South America 4. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation (by Value in USD Million) 2023-2030 4.1. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) 4.1.1. LED 4.1.2. OLED 4.1.3. PLED 4.2. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) 4.2.1. New Installation 4.2.2. Retrofit 4.3. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) 4.3.1. Passenger Feedstock 4.3.2. Light Commercial Feedstock 4.4. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) 4.4.1. Indoor Lighting 4.4.2. Outdoor Lighting 4.4.3. Specialty Lighting 4.5. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 4.5.1. Residential 4.5.2. Industrial and Commercial 4.5.3. Medical 4.5.4. Transportation 4.6. North America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030) 4.6.1. United States United States Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) LED OLED PLED United States Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) New Installation Retrofit United States Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Passenger Feedstock Light Commercial Feedstock United States Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Indoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Specialty Lighting United States Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) Residential Industrial and Commercial Medical Transportation 4.6.2. Canada Canada Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) LED OLED PLED Canada Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) New Installation Retrofit Canada Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Passenger Feedstock Light Commercial Feedstock Canada Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Indoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Specialty Lighting Canada Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) Residential Industrial and Commercial Medical Transportation 4.6.3. Mexico Mexico Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) LED OLED PLED Mexico Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) New Installation Retrofit Mexico Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Passenger Feedstock Light Commercial Feedstock Mexico Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Indoor Lighting Outdoor Lighting Specialty Lighting Mexico Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) Residential Industrial and Commercial Medical Transportation 5. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation (by Value in USD Million) 2023-2030 5.1. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) 5.2. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) 5.3. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) 5.4. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) 5.5. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6. Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030) 5.6.1. United Kingdom United Kingdom Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) United Kingdom Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) United Kingdom Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) United Kingdom Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) United Kingdom Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.2. France France Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) France Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) France Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) France Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) France Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.3. Germany Germany Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Germany Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Germany Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Germany Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Germany Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.4. Italy Italy Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Italy Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Italy Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Italy Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Italy Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.5. Spain Spain Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Spain Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Spain Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Spain Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Spain Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.6. Sweden Sweden Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Sweden Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Sweden Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Sweden Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Sweden Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.7. Austria Austria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Austria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Austria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Austria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Austria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 5.6.8. Rest of Europe Rest of Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Rest of Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Rest of Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Rest of Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Rest of Europe Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation (by Value in USD Million) 2023-2030 6.1. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) 6.2. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) 6.3. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) 6.4. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) 6.5. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6. Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030) 6.6.1. China China Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) China Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) China Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) China Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) China Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.2. S Korea S Korea Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) S Korea Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) S Korea Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) S Korea Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) S Korea Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.3. Japan Japan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Japan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Japan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Japan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Japan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.4. India India Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) India Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) India Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) India Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) India Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.5. Australia Australia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Australia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Australia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Australia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Australia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.6. Indonesia Indonesia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Indonesia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Indonesia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Indonesia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Indonesia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.7. Malaysia Malaysia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Malaysia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Malaysia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Malaysia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Malaysia Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.8. Vietnam Vietnam Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Vietnam Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Vietnam Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Vietnam Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Vietnam Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.9. Taiwan Taiwan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Taiwan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Taiwan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Taiwan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Taiwan Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 6.6.10. Rest of Asia Pacific Rest of Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Rest of Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Rest of Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Rest of Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Rest of Asia Pacific Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 7. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation (by Value in USD Million) 2023-2030 7.1. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) 7.2. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) 7.3. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) 7.4. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) 7.5. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 7.6. Middle East and Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030) 7.6.1. South Africa South Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) South Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) South Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) South Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) South Africa Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 7.6.2. GCC GCC Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) GCC Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) GCC Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) GCC Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) GCC Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 7.6.3. Nigeria Nigeria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Nigeria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Nigeria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Nigeria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Nigeria Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 7.6.4. Rest of ME&A Rest of ME&A Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Rest of ME&A Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Rest of ME&A Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Rest of ME&A Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Rest of ME&A Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 8. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast by Segmentation (by Value in USD Million) 2023-2030 8.1. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) 8.2. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) 8.3. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application(2023-2030) 8.4. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) 8.5. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 8.6. South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Country (2023-2030) 8.6.1. Brazil Brazil Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Brazil Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Brazil Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Brazil Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Brazil Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 8.6.2. Argentina Argentina Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Argentina Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Argentina Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Argentina Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Argentina Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 8.6.3. Rest Of South America Rest Of South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Type (2023-2030) Rest Of South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Installation Type (2023-2030) Rest Of South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Application (2023-2030) Rest Of South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by Industry Vertical (2023-2030) Rest Of South America Solid State Lighting Market Size and Forecast, by End User (2023-2030) 9. Global Solid State Lighting Market: Competitive Landscape 9.1. MMR Competition Matrix 9.2. Competitive Landscape 9.3. Key Players Benchmarking 9.3.1. Company Name 9.3.2. Business Segment 9.3.3. End-user Segment 9.3.4. Revenue (2022) 9.3.5. Company Locations 9.4. Leading Solid State Lighting Market Companies, by market capitalization 9.5. Market Structure 9.5.1. Market Leaders 9.5.2. Market Followers 9.5.3. Emerging Players 9.6. Mergers and Acquisitions Details 10. Company Profile: Key Players 10.1. Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. - United States 10.1.1. Company Overview 10.1.2. Business Portfolio 10.1.3. Financial Overview 10.1.4. SWOT Analysis 10.1.5. Strategic Analysis 10.1.6. Scale of Operation (small, medium, and large) 10.1.7. Details on Partnership 10.1.8. Regulatory Accreditations and Certifications Received by Them 10.1.9. Awards Received by the Firm 10.1.10. Recent Developments 10.2. Cree, Inc. - United States 10.3. General Electric - United States 10.4. Energy Focus, Inc. - United States 10.5. Intematix Corporation - United States 10.6. Bridgelux Inc. - United States 10.7. Royal Philips Electronics N.V.(Netherland) 10.8. Eaton Corporation PLC - Ireland 10.9. Osram Licht AG - Germany 10.10. Aixtron AG – Germany 10.11. Panasonic Corporation (Japan) 10.12. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - South Korea 10.13. Nichia Group - Japan 10.14. Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation - Japan 10.15. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - Japan 10.16. 10.17. 11. Key Findings 12. Industry Recommendations 13. Solid State Lighting Market: Research Methodology 14. Terms and Glossary